Sat at work, looking out at the complete cloud cover and suspecting I didn't miss as much as was promised... But doubtless those who flew will tell us all about it.
Meanwhile, the forecast for Saturday is looking promising and it's E Team day so be there and join in the fun
Good turnout when I arrived at 9:30 - lulled by a certain "likely to be the best day of the year" email? Pulled the toys out and 4 gliders rigged. Peter Mason did the first 1.5 hours on the winch and did 0 launches. To the north we could see sunshine but at Rivar just grey, useless looking, cloud. Lunches eaten so nothing much else to do but throw gliders into the air. First 3 managed slightly extendend circuits then Jim in 737 stuck to the sky. After that quite a few discovered that it was possible to stay airbourne. Don't think anyone did much more than running up and down the Pewsey Vale (nice streets at times but fairly limited). Cloud base just over 4,000'.
ReplyDeletecloudbase 4k and noone did much? For shame!! Note the standards did 3XX km and the Opens 4XXkm in a 4h AAT which passed only just north of RIV
ReplyDeleteAt the end of the day waiting for the clutch of gliders that had landed at the top end to be cleared we did see 4 gliders sharing a thermal to the north of us. No sign of them (or any reachable thermal) by the time we launched.
ReplyDeleteThat would have been the inter services on their way back. About half the sports class landed out in the vicinity.
ReplyDeleteThere seemed to be a distinct divide with conditions north of the M4 improving and the best out in Cambridge as predicted although I dont think any of it was as good as hoped judging by the radio transmissions.