The occurrences and happenings at Shalbourne Soaring Society. A gliding club near Andover, Newbury and Hungerford.

Thu 5 Aug Task week

Well Tuesday was tough, the sort of day when out and return to Burbage was an achievement - some did achieve, and others enjoyed some local soaring.

Wednesday was declared a scrub due to the forecast, and yes, there was rain, in the form of heavy showers.

Today (Thursday)had promised to be good, but the nice little cumulus didn't appear to plan - rather overcast with some bigger clouds embedded. Still, out-and-returns to Frome and Devizes were achieved (admittedly undeclared, but then declaring anything ambitious would have been lunatic). Lift was really good at times, but not very consistent.

More rain tomorrow, it seems.

1 comment:

  1. OK, "declaring is lunacy" is putting it too strongly, sorry. I'm now informed that others did declare DEVizes.

    The wisdom of declaring is illustrated by checking the scores on the BGA ladder. If I'd declared HNN (M4 jct 14)- DEVizes I'd have got as many points for 80km as I did for my undeclared 130km HNN-FROme.
