The occurrences and happenings at Shalbourne Soaring Society. A gliding club near Andover, Newbury and Hungerford.

Saturday part 2

Carol and I had planned to do Didcot then onto Glastonbury but strong winds and deteriorating conditions meant that we abandoned the task near Keevil. Three gliders from Lasham landed out near Wantage showing just how awkward the conditions were at in some places.

Passing Welford

We were joined near Wantage by a K6E from Lasham who followed us to Devizes before making the run back to lasham. Adrian Emck manages to get some great flights in his K6E, apparently he has alomost done a 750k in it!

K6E over Devizes

Caen Hill Locks at Devizes

Running back from Devizes was quite good as with about 20 knots tailwind and with 100 knots on the ASI we covered a lot of ground quite quickly!

All in all a good flight but at 3hrs 6 mins was quite slow. I did managed to take a photo of another Janus which joined us near Rivar but couldn't quite make out the reg.


Saturday 29th August

Soaring for all during rapidly cycling conditions. Cross country for those that tried but with most falling back from tasked routes due to spreadout and strong winds - Carol mentioning flying past Upavon several times on the same leg...

Sunday 22nd August

Forecast through the week was for Saturday to be OK and Sunday rubbish. In the event no flying Saturday and the forecast on Saturday for Sunday changed its tune. Duty Instructor (Ken P) had his hands full with 2 folks on the instruction list and 4 TLs booked in. Not a great soaring day with over half of the 30 launches being basically circuits (i.e. less than 10 minutes) and with a light cross wind launch heights were nothing to get excited about. However, our fearless CFI showed what could be done by taking a run (well, more like a stroll) to Marlborough and back - most of it not much more than 1,600' with a high point of 2,700. The LS3 was the only private glider to rig but clocked up 3:24 off 3 launches.


...sometimes you make the right one, sometimes you don't. (the cloud didn't work!)

Sunday 15th August

The day started with a burst of enthusiasm - 4 club gliders pulled out and 5 private gliders rigged. Then everyone stood around and nattered - something to do with the top cover and the murk. Chris B broke ranks and went to see if the ridge was working - he stayed up for 26. For the next 2 hours launch rate very slow and only 1 glider doing any better (by 2 minutes!). Carol launched and didn't return so then a grid formed and we were rewarded with a number of hour+ flights. I have no reports of anyone going anywhere or what heights folks got. The 2-seaters were reporting 2.000' launches.
One landout, one visitor (with Ventus) from Talgarth, one TL, one annual checks. 34 launches (highest number we've seen since the Open Day) and 17:45 flown. As we packed the hangar we gazed up at the best looking sky of the day (seems to have been a fairly common occurance this year).

Weds 11 August.... 750k day..not....?

Sat at work, looking out at the complete cloud cover and suspecting I didn't miss as much as was promised... But doubtless those who flew will tell us all about it.
Meanwhile, the forecast for Saturday is looking promising and it's E Team day so be there and join in the fun

Sunday 8th August

Congratulations to James Hunneman who today heeded advice (not that he really needed it) and flew off in the Vega in search of the elusive 50k flight.
Not only happy with just making it he smashed it by a fair margin ending up at Shennington!
Well done James........where next :-)


July Stats

This July we managed more launches (all 9 of them) than last year and more flying time than either the last 2 years. The later quiet an achievement when you take into account that July 2 years ago we did almost 50% more launches than this year. To do a fair comparison we really need to lump July and August together as it varies which month Course and Task Week fall into. That said, year-to-date position is that we are behind (compared to last 2 years) on launches but ahead on flying time.
The arrival of the Sport Vega (EGF) this month pushed the k8 to being the least flown of the club aircraft. EGF clocked up over 25 hours off 50 launches and was flown by 21 members. 12 private gliders got exercised with EFF(737) being the most active (launches and time - we don't have enough information on km's)

Saturday 7th August

Only 4 members turned up but we still had an enjoyable day. Not a day for that big XC with cloudbase not much more than 2,000' all day but soaring to be had. We only huddled in the caravan a couple of times waiting for light showers to passed through (presented the opportunity for a nap for 1 person - no names...). Fortunately we were joined by a visitor from Heron (Paul Ginter who pops in periodically) and a TL. Richard G made an appearance to fill in holes in the hangar and had his arm twisted to take a flight. Chris B had his first sample of the Vega and took longest flight of the day honours with 26 minutes. A little later we had a cable, Puchacz and no one wanting to do the necessary. So, I felt obliged as DI to take a pop at Chris's "record". 40 minutes later pointed proved and enough money spent (have to admit it was very nearly only a short circuit).

Thu 5 Aug Task week

Well Tuesday was tough, the sort of day when out and return to Burbage was an achievement - some did achieve, and others enjoyed some local soaring.

Wednesday was declared a scrub due to the forecast, and yes, there was rain, in the form of heavy showers.

Today (Thursday)had promised to be good, but the nice little cumulus didn't appear to plan - rather overcast with some bigger clouds embedded. Still, out-and-returns to Frome and Devizes were achieved (admittedly undeclared, but then declaring anything ambitious would have been lunatic). Lift was really good at times, but not very consistent.

More rain tomorrow, it seems.

Mon 2nd Aug - Task week

Colin said: We went soaring We went cross country. RIV-BIC-BUL-RIV. Two landed out, one got round. More tomorrow?

Before landing at Ilsley, Chris had already done RIV-BUL and rejoined us late launchers (it had gone flat for a while) for the RIV-BIC bit. Steve got to BIC and a little way back. Colin was also flying, presumably modesty forbad mention of who got round. James Hunneman took the Vega to Marlborough and Membury. Carol went somewhere too, but at the time of writing I don't know details. Thanks to Paul, Paul, Ken and Alan for being ground ant retrieve crew.

Sunday 1st August

Congratulations to Nigel who converted to the Sport Vega for his first solo glass machine in his logbook. Earlier he practiced for a half hour solo in the K13. Claire also flew it for the first time.

Meanwhile, as it was somewhat quiet on the instructing front I had one of these, a true work of art you'll agree:

Chris had cooked a giant fried breakfast earlier, this gave him the energy to show Carol how to fly a circuit in 383. Carol then had a go and of course showed Chris his favourite TPs, Devizes and Wantage for 107km.

Others managed some good soaring and so I declare Task Week open!

Saturday 30th July

After conditions improved a bit I thought that as I was at 3000ft over Chute Causeway I would fly to Andover and take a few photos of my house (as you do!).

It was at this point that I had the idea to carry on to Chilbolton as I had only been there once before many years ago when Dave Owen, determined to land out in the Puchacz, took me for my first XC flight. I should have taken that as an omen as shortly after leaving Andover I encountered steady sink finally turning CBN at 1500ft and not finding any lift!
Looking below I noticed some large recently harvested fields that were very tempting but I was determined to try not to land out (how I wished I had put on the 17mtr tips!). I thermalled down looking for lift until eventually I contacted a small thermal no more than 1000ft agl. I drifted with it over to Wherwell and spent an eternity looking down on the village cricket match and I was sure I could almost see the score on the board!
Pete in 737 called me to say that there was good lift between Andover and the club but the problem was I was 1500ft below final glide. Eventually I gained enough height to leave the thermal and push on back to Andover but all I found was sink again. Once again I found myself looking for a good field but as I passed over the new council dump on Walworth Industrial Estate on the eastern edge of town I contacted a strong thermal that peaked at 5kts, took me up to 2500ft and within final glide of Rivar.
Just goes to show that it doesn't have to be a long flight to be memorable! Oh just in case you are wondering why there is not a photo of CBN .............I was a little to busy to take one!
