The occurrences and happenings at Shalbourne Soaring Society. A gliding club near Andover, Newbury and Hungerford.

Sunday 4th May (meanwhile - back at the ranch)

With precious few people operating on the ground, only the tireless efforts of Steve G on the winch and Pablo at one time both retrieving cables and operating the signals ensured we all got airborne - and for the most part stayed airborne. Gliders were launched and stayed that way for extraordinarily long times. I've never seen a day with so few launches and so many hours. Selvam and Graham got priority launches and duly achieved their target one and two hour flights as planned - well done both. Then two Nimbuses (ii?) flown by Jim and a visitor from Upavon, me in the LS3 and two Kens in the Duo got aloft to tour the countryside for a few hours.

Meanwhile DI Richard gave extended instructional flights to all and sundry, with soaring still active until the last glider was derigged.

The kind of day we all dream about.


  1. genative case???? so nimborum???? any proper latin scholars?

  2. Average flight time of 1:16 is certainly up there with some of the best but has been bettered - 4 times in the last 7 years. Best average was 1:27 in May 2 years ago.
