The occurrences and happenings at Shalbourne Soaring Society. A gliding club near Andover, Newbury and Hungerford.

Saturday 31st August - and summer keeps rolling on

The launch point at 15:00 under a clear blue sky:

Airborne and out of sight - in alphabetical order:

ASW15 (albeit on the ground somewhere near Didcot), Cirrus, Janus, Ka8, 2 X Ka13s, LS3, Nimbus and Puchacz.

Returned from a late flight in EEF to find airfield closed and SMS saying crew in pub!


  1. Hang on a minute, the ASW15 landed out at Didcot? But Steve B doesn't usually fly on a Sunday....that must mean Peter Ellison landed out??? How many times have you landed out now Peter?

  2. No it was a Saturday... :-)

    1. Indeed it was a Saturday. And Peter E doesn't do landing out. It was me. I thought I'd try for Didcot o/r but Didnot succeed.
      I'm a bit miffed that I landed out but Chris didn't. ...but hang on, he didn't even launch. That's not fair.

  3. What wasn't mentioned was that the first launch was at 9:36. If that's not remarkable enough how about - it was a 30 minute flight (a Trial Lesson so limited to that time). Last landing was at 18:00 - Colin's flight of over an hour. Even though it was completely blue all day (with the exception of part of Colin's flight) 17 of the 33 flights were over an hour. Tim and Claire took longest flight honours with a bit of an XC in the Puchacz for two hours.
