The occurrences and happenings at Shalbourne Soaring Society. A gliding club near Andover, Newbury and Hungerford.

Saturday 24th August 2013

And the forecast for the day....Not brilliant.

I turned up, Bob turned up, Trevor turned up and Alan Petite turned out collect his glider and take it to Sutton Bank.
We set up, cancelled a trial lesson booked for the afternoon and waited for the trial lesson to turn up at 11am.
By 11:15am the cloud base looked lower and the clag looked thicker but the couple who'd booked the TL arrived and we pushed the young lady into the Puchacz,
2 cables, one screamer, which I assure you I heard all the way to 1600 feet, more surprising as Bob was flying!
Bob landed with pin point precision, stopping for me to take one step forward, grab the wing tip and hook them back on to take the remaining cable. The young lady screamed but I couldn't hear her after about 700 feet.
The flew around, landed and she exclaimed it was 'brilliant!!'
They left and so did we after packing everything away.
Thanks to Alan for staying to help get the TL off the ground.

1 comment:

  1. But I hear the weather then improved, so we could have done some training flights and more TLs. Except everyone had stayed at home because of the forecast - yes, I admit, including me.
