The occurrences and happenings at Shalbourne Soaring Society. A gliding club near Andover, Newbury and Hungerford.

Wednesday 17th

Third Wednesday in a row where we've been "blessed" with an easterly crosswind.  Only difference this time was the touch of northerly and a lot more of it. The challenge of the day (other than dealing with a lively cross wind) was to get into a double digit flight time.  Sitting in the back seat with Jonty H flying, he declared he would do a gentle turn onto his high key.  The vario chirped and Jonty got stuck in.  Wrestling broken lift and drift he eventually got to 1,200' at which point the "hot spot" we kept returning to went cold (a chilly 4 down).  I did comment that if that was a "gentle" turn I would appreciate plenty of warning for a steep turn.  Nobody else came close to Jonty's 23 minutes but there were another 5 (of the 26) that achieved double digits.
Interestingly (?) we did one more launch and 2 more minutes than Sunday and 15 people flew on both days.

1 comment:

  1. What Stephen didn't say was that we were both kept busy all day in the back seat. It would have been impossible for me to meet all demands by myself. It's pleasing to see a regular group of people who need to fly with an instructor, but with days getting shorter the leisurely midweek model no longer fits. Best to arrive early if you want to fly.
