The occurrences and happenings at Shalbourne Soaring Society. A gliding club near Andover, Newbury and Hungerford.

Tuesday 21st August.

Need I say more.....

Rivar- Welford- Riv....Well nealry.
I left Rivar at 2000, got to Welford at 1500 feet QFE with little hope of getting back. The glide computer said I would arrive with 272 feet left, I knew I probably wouldn't, not into a headwind.
Getting to Hungerford, well to the east of it, the glide computer said -84 feet and didn't change. I opted for a grazed field at the bottom of the ridge.
Still I did manage a heady Riv-Hun-Riv earlier in the day...

Thanks Pete for such a quick and cheerful retrieve.


  1. Added levity to my late night at work, thank you!

