The occurrences and happenings at Shalbourne Soaring Society. A gliding club near Andover, Newbury and Hungerford.

Saturday 12th June

A day that just kept getting better, well with thick overcast skies as we set the airfield up it was just as well. The Nimbus, Pegase, Libelle, '15, Skylark and Janus rigged. I did about 200km after abandoning the original task at Cirencester as it looked flat ahead. Chris and Liz did RIV-Swindon and back without turning later in the day, it was later in the day as earlier Chris landed out.


  1. Even the Skylark launched at 1705 and did Sandhill Farm O/R - no turning on the way home.

  2. Less of a 'lnding out' more of a 'final glide' the wrong way!

  3. Previously Liz and Nigel had taken the Puch on Nigel's XC Navex round the majority of RIV/AVE/DID/RIV, topping up on psychic energy in the resident thermal where the ley-lines meet at Silbury Hill, but turning back somewhere past Membury when a rather large hole appeared - we'd probably have got past it...maybe - but as landing out wasn't the object of the flight we elected to see whether Nigel's final glide calcs were correct. We got back proving they were.
    Lots of energy lines around, with big streets forming and then decaying, which made getting away off the winch a bit ticklish if you were in the middle of the gap. It felt as this this was perhaps driven by wave influence - not-quite-standing-wave influence with the wave augmentation rippling gently downwind. Often something like this happens and so it's vital to keep an eye out for the street you're heading towards starting to fall apart!
