The occurrences and happenings at Shalbourne Soaring Society. A gliding club near Andover, Newbury and Hungerford.

Weekend 22nd & 23rd May

It was hot, blue and yuk!

Saturday was reasonably busy with TLs and 737, JNG, HAX & 185 rigged and endured the conditions.

Sunday was hotter, bluer and yuker, a few TLs and 737 & EUF playing.

ICL was at The Park, report to follow.

1 comment:

  1. The interclub at The Park.
    Nice little club, albeit a small airfield but leave the immediate area and the field’s not easily seen!
    Saturday was hard work with many of the pilots entering either using engines or landing out.
    I managed to make it to Nymsfield which was the turn point for an out and return but after 5 or 6 attempts to ‘return’ I ended up landing at NYM.
    After a little wait I got a healthy aerotow to Bath, released and glid back to The Park.
    I was staggered to find out I’d got the furthest in the intermediates and got 1st place in my class.
    Steve Barber had an unfortunate experience with a blown fuse disabling his vario but got us a much needed point in the process.
    Sunday was hot, sweaty and dire…. Not a day for XC but we went anyway. I managed the first turnpoint, but in heading for the higher ground baked by the sun I made a tactical error and missed the available lift which was to my right, about 15km away. A sad third for me on the day.
    Steve had problems getting established and after a re-light sensibly decided to call it a day. We de-rigged and said our farewells.
    It was a great weekend, friendly and rewarding, the company was good and the people we met were great. A really big thank you to Alan who selflessly turned out to retrieve us and help in general.
