There were those who looked at the forecast and decided that it wouldn't be very good until the afternoon. Then there were those, like Fluffy Harris, who saw there was a glider, a cable and some sky waiting - jumped into the K8 and returned almost an hour later. Everyone who launched in the first 2 hours got plenty of soaring in (well, except when yours truly had made "special" arrangements with the winch driver). Then the top cover, which had drifted over, cut off our thermals. For the next 2 hours not much was on offer but a couple of folks managed to scratch out almost half an hour each. The following half hour it got better and followed by and hour and a half of circuits. One final half hour window in which those of us who launched worked hard at the weak thermals on offer and then back to circuits to round off the day. I saw 2,000' a few times but never managed any better and I only heard of one person managing to go beyond that.
A busy day with 33 launches and 20 folks flying. Chris K took longest flight honours with over an hour in HAX. Good news was that the brake lever had (finally) arrived from Germany which Andrew B promptly fitted and JMX made it back on line.
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