The occurrences and happenings at Shalbourne Soaring Society. A gliding club near Andover, Newbury and Hungerford.

Saturday 22nd

Second launch of the day, Mark P is thrown at the sky and sticks.  The K13's just stuck to circuits while Trevor G and Bob B pulled out the Vega.  Bob took a launch ready to grab some of the rising air that the K8 continued to enjoy but was back on the ground within minutes reporting that he only just got back having found some 6 down (or it having found him).  Mark returned after being observed practicing spins and climbing back to cloudbase at 2,000'.  Everyone else continued to do circuits until Nigel managed a whole 12 minutes in the K8.  A little later I made an attempt at Nigel's record (no need to be too ambitious) and managed to record the shortest flight of the day thanks to a failed weak link. Next attempt somewhat better with a launch to 2,000' and a climb to 3,000' drifting to the gibbet.  Mark's record remained completely safe all day.
Richard D (as duty instructor) was kept busy and we clocked up 35 launches.

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