Having half unpacked the hangar, observed the gathering orographic
clag and decided that despite all the enthusiasm the weather wasn't
going to play ball, we reluctantly put the toys away. Undeterred, Ken
Hansell turned his hand to fixing a starting problem on the new Trooper.
It took a mere ten minutes to change the battery and only another half
an hour dismantling the bodywork to retrieve a lost socket.
a small group had gathered around half a ton of assorted metal
artefacts in the hangar. Following much heaving, head scratching and
moments of pure enlightenment and having deciding it could never be made
to fly, there finally emerged a gantry crane.
Break for lunch.
muses 'something's wrong, Colin normally has some jobs for us'.
Reflective pause... Steve Barber mutters something about taking the
kitchen equipment out of the bus. Next thing we know cookers, microwave
ovens, toasters and stainless steel units are moving in all directions.
Meanwhile Paul Bryant demonstrates his macramé skills morphing a plastic
dustbin and a 25 litre tub into a hoist cosy while Steve Barber waves a
multimeter threateningly at the solar battery charger which seems to
be all Amps and no Volts.
Not bad for a no-fly day. Rain stopped play at 15:00 hrs.
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