The occurrences and happenings at Shalbourne Soaring Society. A gliding club near Andover, Newbury and Hungerford.

Caffeine Addictions

It seams some pilots have a serious tea habit that is affecting their gliding. As DCFI I feel duty bound to offer a solution...

It even says it is an air pot!


  1. For a lesser man than your esteemed leader that could be hazard in the cockpit and as dcfi encouraging your team to drink a diuretic and make excessive removable equipment is a little shocking, but i guess they can't crash if they stay airborne!

    Fly safe

  2. damn it man we're British, tea comes first!

    (we are the only nation that puts a water boiler in all our army tanks!)

  3. Replies
    1. I'll get Carol to order one asap and will sort out a bracket and some plumbing. That will cure Carol's obsession with Upavon but I suppose at least we always seem land at an airfield with tea making facilities and not just any old farmers field :-)
