The occurrences and happenings at Shalbourne Soaring Society. A gliding club near Andover, Newbury and Hungerford.

Sunday 19th of is this really February

What a cracking day. 4 club gliders being kept busy plus the LS3 and LS7 rigged.  Stonking - provided you were in the right place at the right time. 4 flights of over and hour (sorry Steve you Wednesday record was short lived - Colin flew the LS3 for 1:35 today) and another 5 of over 30 minutes.  When Pete S had to rely on his third (free) launch to get away you know it took more than just skill.  Climb rates of 5.6 (on the averager) and climbs up to 4,000' QFE were available - so you can now kick yourself for not getting along to partake.  A Duo Discuss from L was seen over the gibet being outclimbed by one of our members (I suspect that might provoke a response from Liz about L folks doing cross-countries).

It was good to see Evelyn return after her hibernation having being distracted from flying by things like getting married.  Just as gliders were being launched for hangar landing our first TL of 2012 appeared.

Thanks Bob for arranging such good weather for your duty day.

1 comment:

  1. sorry, only just got round to reading this - yes, I should say so re comment! Who reckons they outclimbed me in the Duo? Do tell, but perhaps I was whizzing past on my 200k so fast I failed to notice them. What a nice day it was though - and a great first flight for me in 620!
